Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are You Ready to be Awakened?

I'd like you to think about something for a moment. If North Korea were actually threatening the united States, wouldn't you think that our government would be seeking to calm and comfort the populace rather than scare them? Don't you think that they would point to our own enormous armament and say, "we can counter any move by the North Koreans, please don't be alarmed". Instead, we are seeing alarmist reports and warnings about missles being launched "...in the direction of Hawaii". No mention of the fact that the missiles are woefully inadequate to the task of actually reaching Hawaii... let alone the mainland! The only reason for this is that they are banging the drum for world-girdling war. Iran (who doesn't even have missles) on one side, and North Korea, unable to reach us, on the other.

Even if N.K. leader Kim Jong Il is insane, (an arguable point, at best), he couldn't be insane enough to launch missles that have failed their initial tests and which do not have the range to reach his intended target, a nation with very much the capacity to land a missle in his backyard and turn his country into green glass. Then, even if he were that insane, we would launch a missle into his backyard and turn his country into green glass. North Korea, even with nuclear weapons, is not a threat. Iran, with no nuclear weapons, and no delivery system at all, is not a threat. Iraq has been proven to have never been a threat. Afghanistan is not a threat. All this can only be a precursur to war in order to promote U.S. hegemony and distract us from our current economic woes. War is always cited as a way to climb out of economic depressions/recessions, but if you read the article by David R. Henderson, "War Is Good for the Economy – Isn't It?" (http://antiwar.com/henderson/?articleid=8662), you can see the the wartime economy simply masks the reality of what the economy is actually doing on it's own, which is recovering!

Don't immediately jump to the conclusion that everything the governments of the worl say is a lie... that's paranoia, but in the 60's there was a slogan: Question Authority. this is all I'm asking you to do. Question. Look beyond the headlines and soundbites. As they said in 'The Matrix', some are not ready to be awakened. If you aren't ready, I am willing to let you sleep. But if you want to wake up, be aware, then question. - KG

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