Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Killing America's Kids

"In wars, there are many enlightening things to see. For example, the Marine with a third of his face and half a lung, going ku-kuk-kuk as red gunch rolls out of his mouth and he drowns in his blood. Ruined or dying teenagers whimpering the trinity of the badly wouned, Mother, wife, and water. The brain-shot guy jerking like an epileptic as he tries not to die. Ever see brain tissue from gunshot? I have. It makes a pink spew across the ground. Like strawberry chiffon."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New collapse footage of WTC7 and North Tower

I love watching buildings being imploded. I've watched hundreds via video and I never get tired of it! It's kinda beautiful and graceful watching them fall straight down like they do. I can't really call myself an expert, but I've a lot of experience watching buildings fall down. Watching WTC 7 fall is just another implosion to me... it's textbook. Add to that that there was no plane crashing into it and only isolated fires, none of which were hot enough to roast marshmallows and you have a very logical progression from standing building to intentionally 'pulled' pile of trash. Hard to see it any other way.