Saturday, August 29, 2009

Between the Lies (2009)

There are at least a few people who mention explosions well after the planes hit and just before the collapse. Over and over again, we hear about explosions separate from the plane impacts.

Scientist Warning of Health Hazards of Monsanto's Herbicide Receives Threats

“I hadn’t even discovered anything new, only confirmed conclusions that others had reached. "

I placed this under 'Anti-war' because it's the same principal. If you have facts on your side to refute allegations, you don't need violence. If you don't have those facts, all you have at your disposal is violence. Apparently tho, Monsanto has something it wants to hide... as a wise man said to me recently: "Color me surprised"...

Friday, August 28, 2009

21 Year Old Youth Executed By San Bernardino Police

Again, the best equipped gang on the street vents it's anger on a citizen. I wish I had the video to post here, but it's been promised once the SBPD gets it's lies in order. This should be interesting.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Palestine was a State

Even the Bible admits that The Philistiens were living there for Joshua invaded it and the Jews self proclaimed the land by say that lol GAWD promised it to them. Sorry but you can't just write a book saying god gave you land that people were already living in and then start murdering everyone there.

The Holocaust™/anti-Semite card©. Don't leave home without it!

Except occasionally a bit of harsh truth slips out, like stories about those 'light unto the world' people kidnapping humans and harvesting their organs...

Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

You go, David William Hedrick!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Finally, some change... Obama is crashing faster than 'w' did!

israel in 3 minutes

A nice, concise view of what's happening in Gaza.

Jewish groups accuse Obama of promoting 'ethnic cleansing' of Jews

You gotta be kidding...
I'm not a big Obama supporter, but at the very least he is demanding a halt to settlement expansion in Arab lands! No doubt this will send him scurrying to salivate at the feet of his Zionist masters, but let's hope he shows some backbone!