Saturday, April 4, 2009

Would someone explain to me why it is a "duty" for the US Government to protect Israel from criticism, especially criticism that is well and truly deserved?

'Sexting' Hysteria Falsely Brands Educator as Child Pornographer

"when the boy's mother learned from Oei about the earlier photo incident, she was outraged that Oei hadn't reported the picture to her. She called his house at 7:00 a.m., screaming at him that the suspension had to be revoked."

This is a phenomenon I've become familiar with - instead of outright denial, the accused accuses the accuser of some wrongdoing(s) that may or may not have anything to do with the initial accusation. In the case cited above, the parent called the school and, instead of acknowledging that her son had done something indefensible, she accused the teacher of wrongdoing, thereby deflecting attention from her son to the administration of the school. She would rather destroy a man's life rather than see her son on a 10 day suspension for committing a rude, but minor infraction.
This is how we're raising our children - our future will 
be a sad one indeed.

Friday, April 3, 2009

To Reduce Violence, End the Drug War

Prohibition has never worked, except in totalitarian countries, perhaps...and even then corruption often has drugs being exported with a wink from the government. Do we want to live in a totalitarian country so we'll be safe from violence, terrorism, drugs and whatever else we've been told to be afraid of? Sad if we do.

NYCBI Motorola Boycott Launch 3-30-09

My cellphone is a Casio - best phone I've ever owned.

Oppose $30 Billion Military Aid Package to Israel

Send letters to Members of Congress and the President opposing military aid to Israel


Why Fearing the Police Is Not Irrational

Can any of us be sure that at any particular moment we are not committing some innocuous "crime"?

Israel is Changing the Rules of War

One soldier commented: "That’s what is so nice, supposedly, about Gaza: You see a person on a road, walking along a path. He doesn’t have to be with a weapon, you don’t have to identify him with anything and you can just shoot him."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Commentary: War on drugs is insane

Again, slowly: Prohibition.... doesn't.... work....


Boycott Israel - it doesn't have to be everything out of Israel, just one or two things. If everyone does this, it will at least send a message, it may not stop them, but it may make life harder for them. 

End the War on Drugs

Prohibition never works... it fails to stop what it was designed to stop, and it creates a violent criminal black market in the process

Obama Refuses To Sign Dem Letter To White House

Thirty senators sent a letter to the White House on Thursday warning President Bush not to take offensive military action against Iran without the consent of Congress. Noticeably absent from the list of signatories is presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-IL.

Even Billary signed this thing... makes ya wonder if he knew then that as president, he might be somehow hampered by it. And the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is what again?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Dumbest, Yet Most Widely Accepted 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: EXPOSED

Al-Qaeda – Who Else?

“No proof, but circumstantial evidence and reasonable presumption of AQI involvement.”

So... This is what passes for journalism at the BeeB... 
And yet when asked why the BBC had failed to report the use of banned weapons by US forces in their November 2004 assault on Falljuah, the BBC’s director of news, Helen Boaden, said:

“We are committed to evidence-based journalism. We have not been able to establish that the US used banned chemical weapons and committed other atrocities against civilians in Falluja last November [2004]. Inquiries on the ground at the time and subsequently indicate that their use is unlikely to have occurred.” (Email forwarded by numerous Media Lens readers, July 13 onwards, 2005)

I guess it just depends on who's side your on. 

MoveOn Is Not New to Supporting War

While General David "Betray Us" Petraeus must be thrilled with his conversion from traitor to saint in the eyes of the pseudo-left and amazed that such things can be accomplished simply by changing the political party of the president, the group that formerly bashed him with an ad in the New York Times and now supports whatever Obama does is not as new to supporting wars as this simple story suggests.

Why the End of America is Closer than You Think

The leaders of the G20 nations have already decided to ditch the dollar and shift to other world reserve currencies

Stop Arming Israel

U.S.-made weapons have been used to commit war crimes by the Israelis in 1982, 2006, and, most recently in Gaza in January. In 1982, the United States did suspend the sale of cluster weapons to Israel when it was determined that they had been used against Lebanese and Palestinian civilians in violation of the conditions of sale. In 2006 and 2009, the United States not only looked the other way when cluster and white phosphorus weapons were used, it also empowered the Israelis by permitting the fighting to continue and providing political cover for the crimes that were being committed. After the fact, Washington intervened at the UN to stop any condemnation of Israeli crimes, and it has refused to consider any reports by investigative bodies that have attempted to document the Israeli actions. Most recently, the U.S. has described a UN report on atrocities committed in Gaza "biased."

In your name, with your money

Sunday, March 29, 2009

France calls Gaza 'Open Air Prison'

At last, someone calls a spade a spade...

Judge OKs probe of torture complaint against Bush officials

Hooray!! Do they still hang war criminals and where can I buy tickets for the event?

Greek Jews 'shocked' after Holocaust denier is acquitted by Athens Appeals court

People who claim Elvis is still alive are not arrested. People who claim to have had sex with a space alien on a UFO are not thrown in jail. People who claim to have filmed Bigfoot don't have their lives ruined even after they admit the film was faked.

Only in this one area of inquiry is the full weight of the legal system brought to bear on those who ask a simple question.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Truth does not fear re-examination. Truth does not hide from questioning. Throughout history, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.

AIPAC espionage case becomes US trouble

The ADL has a history of protecting criminals.

Luke Rudowski Arrested for Attempting to Question Mayor Bloomberg

According to a post on the WeAreChange blog Rudowski and other members of WeAreChange were confronted and asked questions by hotel security and Bloomberg’s security detail. Rudowski was apparently singled out and forcibly detained at the hotel and subsequently handed over to the New York Police, who arrested him on a charge of trespassing. Rudowski was also charged with impersonating a member of the press. Infowars is a bona fide press organization.