Saturday, June 6, 2009

We are not a democratic form of government

We have come to a source of confusion concerning the rights secured in the Constitution. People have been taught to believe we are a DEMOCRATIC form of government, that the majority rules. We are not! Repeat this several times:

We are not a democratic form of government.
We are not a democratic form of government. 
We are not a democratic form of government.
We are not a democratic form of government.

We are a REPUBLICAN form of government

Illegal Settlements,features,in-pictures-the-illegal-israeli-settlements-palestine-territories-occupied-middle-east

These are the people we keep giving money to. The one girl who said "he's like a terrorist"... just a word, he doesn't have top be born in the U.S. to be a U.S. citizen. But I guess it's stupid to even argue with such ignorance.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Israeli Spying in the U.S.

It turns out that Israel has had a potential wiretap on every phone in America for years, along with the ability to monitor and record who any person is calling, anywhere in America; information of great value even if one does not listen to the calls themselves. Amdocs, Inc., the company which subcontracts billing and directory services for phone companies around the world, including 90 percent of American phone companies, is owned by Israeli interests. Yet another company, Comverse Infosys, is suspected of having built a “back door” into the equipment permanently installed into the phone system that allows instant eavesdropping by law enforcement agencies on any phone in America. This includes yours.

Israel has stated that it does not spy on the United States, its "cherished ally" - but we know they lie, so everything they say must be questioned. 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ask the Rabbis

Only one of the Rabbis asked advocated violence and destruction - all the others were against the policies of israel in Gaza to one extent or another. This proves that not even all Jews are in favor of the violence and war crimes being commited by the Israeli government. It is not an issue of Jews and/or Judaism, but of the Zionists that want to see a world government with them in charge.