Monday, November 2, 2009

Down the Memory Hole

On the Bill Mahr Blogspot, in the comments section, Dean Jackson said:

In 2008 NORAD wrote, "Since the tragic events of 9/11, NORADs role which previously was outward-looking now includes monitoring airspace within North America."

In 2004 the Air Force said, "Before 2001, 1st Air Force was charged with keeping an eye on the nation’s borders, usually looking for threats in the form of Russian aircraft skirting too close for comfort to the mainland. In those few hours, the command’s mission went from looking outward to looking inward."

Now take a look at what the National Guard Association of the United States, Canada’s Department of National Defense, Syracuse University, NORAD, and the General Accountability Office said before September 11, 2001 about NORAD’s monitoring capabilities within the United States:

In 1997 the National Guard Association of the United States said NORAD insures, "Aircraft flying over our air space are monitored seven days a week, 24 hours a day." – National Guard Association of the United States, 1997.

In 1998 Canada’s Department of National Defense said, "In 1998, Canada posses the ability to detect, identify, and if necessary intercept aircraft over Canadian territory. The "Canadianisation" of NORAD operations over Canada is complete. Though we still rely heavily on the Americans for the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment and mutual defense, we have successfully transitioned on at least one of the three core functions of NORAD.” – Department of National Defense (Canada), 1998.

Before 1995, Syracuse University said, "The NORAD mission is threefold. NORAD's first responsibility is to provide SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL of the airspace covering North America, specifically the airspace of Canada and the United States.” -- Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, pre-1995.

In 1997, NORAD itself said, "The Air Operations Center (AOC) (also known as the Air Defense Operations Center – ADOC) maintains CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE OF NORTH AMERICAN AIRSPACE TO PREVENT OVERFLIGHT by hostile aircraft. It TRACKS over 2.5 million aircraft annually." – NORAD, 1997.

And lastly, in 1994 the General Accountability Office said, "NORAD defines air sovereignty as providing surveillance and control of the territorial airspace, which includes:

1. intercepting and destroying uncontrollable air objects;
2. tracking hijacked aircraft;
3. assisting aircraft in distress;
4. escorting Communist civil aircraft; and
5. intercepting suspect aircraft, including counterdrug operations and peacetime military intercepts." -- Government Accountability Office, 1994.

Now are you beginning to understand what George Orwell meant by “down the memory hole” in his novel 1984?

Pass this proof of the government/media lying about 9/11 to those who believe the 9/11 Truth Movement to be deluded or because they aren’t sure what to think about the 9/11 Truth Movement.

See the 5 articles on NORAD at