Sunday, March 22, 2009

US Military Deaths in Iraq War at 4, 260

We're there becaust Iraq was involved in 9-11... no wait, no they weren't.

We're there becaust Iraq had weapons of mass.... no wait, no they didn't

We're there to bring Democracy... no wait, isn't that kind of colonialism?

well, at least we got Sadaam - who hadn't done anything to us - he had even observed the U.N. Resolution regarding Iraq.

So somehow these 4,260 deaths are worth it. Dead because of a lie - how can you not be angry? Meanwhile, there are uncounted Iraqi deaths. They are "defending our freedoms" when in actuality, what they are doing is criminal. I'm sorry if I offend, but what our military is doing is criminal. It is a robbery and waste of our productive work. It is a robbery and waste of our young people. I cannot support what our troops do. They do it of their own free will. They chose the military as a way of life. If their families suffer for it, I feel badly, much as I feel badly for children whose parents abuse them. But it was their choice. Women who marry military have only themselves to blame. Women who bear children by these men, and men who make children with these women are as much to blame as anyone - they are not victims. 

Meanwhile, Israel has ignored U.N. Resolution after U.N. Resolution, and we continue to defend and support this criminal government.


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