Whenever you find yourself even just in the presence of a police officer, at a party or event, politely if possible (impolitely if necessary), excuse yourself out of earshot. If the officer follows you, even at a distance, it is time to leave the party. Police are never off duty. If he/she hears something you say that they feel they can use to incriminate you and further their own carreer, they will. Don't give them the opportunity to hear something innocuous that they can spin into criminal activity... especially if what you say can be construed to be 'terrorist' in nature. If branded a 'terrorist', you can be arrested, spirited away, kept from counsel, tortured all with no formal charge or trial to give you a chance to prove that the police (government) is incorrect in their assertions. Don't give them that opportunity. Make sure your host knows that no information about you should be shared with anyone at the party. Police are dangerous, treat them that way!
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