Friday, March 27, 2009

Imagine an Occupied America

People would ask me who I wanted for president, presumably expecting me to choose between Barack Obama or John McCain. I would answer, "I'll put it this way... I'm really sad that Ron Paul will never be president". I'm still sad about that, but I also still believe that he's the only candidate who was truly qualified to be president. 

Britain responds to the "rule of law" nuisance

When the Bush administration agreed to release Australian David Hicks after almost 6 years in captivity, they did so only on the condition that he first sign a document stating that he was not abused and that he also agree -- as The Australian put it -- to an "extraordinary 12-month gag order that prevent[ed] Hicks from speaking publicly about the actions to which he has pleaded guilty or the circumstances surrounding his capture, interrogation and detention," a gag order which "also silence[d] family members and any third party."

So, the United States expects it's prisoners to observe a legal document, but that same government does not hold itself to legal documents that it is signatory to. Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e?

Obama passing new law to allow searching of PC's, Laptops, and media devices

Ok... the President does not pass laws, Congress does. But if the Democratic President
Wants something, do you thing the Democratic Congress will deny him? Same as it was with
The Republican thugs, the Democratic thugs rubber stamp each other. Goodbye Fourth Amendment,
It was good while it lasted.

"Israel must see that there are consequences to its actions"

So many "Christians" don't think so. Israel is not to be criticized. They are free to do as they please and are not to be held accountable, apparently because a 5,000 year old Jewish book says not to 'curse Israel'. 


Defending Israel from criticism by screaming "You only hate the Jews" is like defending Nazis from criticism by screaming "You only hate Germans!" - Mike Rivero, What Really Happened

Please tell me, where is Israel headed?

In a guest post on Stephen Walt’s Foreign Policy blog John Mearsheimer argues that unless the US government stands up to the lobby, there are only two possible outcomes in Palestine: ethnic cleansing or apartheid. Personally, I favour the third, even if its a novel one: one person, one vote. Otherwise we will have to endure longer the racist state in our midst.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

1 dead, one injured in Miami Burger King shooting

 Police said a man wearing a ski mask walked into the store at Biscayne Boulevard and 54th Street and demanded money from a clerk.

A customer, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled a gun, said Officer Jeff Giordano, a Miami police spokesman.

The customer and robber exchanged fire.

The robber was shot dead at the scene.

The above link is 404 - not found. Interesting that a story about an intelligent citizen with a gun taking down a criminal with a gun is suddenly unavailable. Maybe they don't want you to believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution is a good thing. That people can actually protect themselves. That the police can't actually prevent crime, they can only document it and maybe investigate it, but they're primarily concerned with their own safety, not yours. 

Here in Spokane, a police officer was recently aquitted of shooting an unarmed citizen while drunk and off duty because he thought the victim was trying to steal his truck. Even tho he'd followed the victim in said truck prior to shooting him. So, here in Spokane, any police officer, on or off duty, can fire upon any unarmed citizen of Spokane for any reason with impunity. Do you still believe you live in a free country?

Harvard economist: Prohibition creates violence, legalize all drugs

"Prohibition creates violence because it drives the drug market underground, This means buyers and sellers cannot resolve their disputes with lawsuits, arbitration or advertising, so they resort to violence instead."

I'd have thought this would be obvious by now. The "War on Drugs" is not really a war on drugs, but a war on people, a war to control them and imprison them, to keep them scared so they call on the government to protect them. In protecting them, the government can control them. Simple. Keep the people scared, keep them under control. It limits our freedom, which is dangerous to those who would seek Empire. Don't believe it... but it's not about whether Empire comes, it about what kind of Empire we are facing. 

GIVE Mandatory Service Act Strips First Amendment of “Volunteers”“volunteers”.html

"Obama's plan is a direct violation of the 13th Amendment prohibition against involuntary servitude, and now they want to make any organized effort to point that fact out a crime, thus violating the First Amendment!" - Mike Rivero, What Really Happened

Soldiers shoot youth and kidnap 17 Palestinians in the West Bank

More from "The Most Moral Army in the World"


Not all Jews are Zionists

Israel accused of indiscriminate phosphorus use in Gaza

This is a UN school in Gaza... was the IDF invading the UN facility and so needed a smoke screen? Did they feel the UN was a source of rockets fired into Israel? Was this not an act of war against the UN and therefore against the world at large? Interesting questions... any answers?

• Israel was aware of the dangers of white phosphorus.

• It chose not to use alternative and less dangerous smoke shells.

• In one case, Israel even ignored repeated warnings from UN staff before hitting the main UN compound in Gaza with white phosphorus shells on 15 January.

Charge: Israel's Phosphorus Bomb Use Violated "Rules of War"

"The Most Moral Army in the World..."

Incriminating Evidence Of Israeli War Crimes

Throughout its history, Israel has willfully and repeatedly committed crimes of war and against humanity, always with impunity. Yet under customary legal standards and norms (including Geneva, Hague, the UN Charter, S.C. and G.A. resolutions), it's lawless, a serial abuser, a threat to the region and humanity, mostly as an oppressive occupier. Attacking Gaza is the latest episode in its six-decade reign of terror satisfying the definition of genocide against defenseless Palestinian civilians. This article covers more evidence from some disturbing but unsurprising newly published information.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

We Have Seen the Enemy...

How did a nation that took so much pride in lively debate and different opinions become a nation that questions the loyalty of people who have dared to disagree with the policymakers in Washington? When did political dissent become a reason to end up grounded at an airport because you found out at a most inconvenient time that your name had been mysteriously added to a “no-fly list”? When did the American government begin building FEMA camps and what exactly is their purpose? When did Congress become the rubber stamp for policies of reading the correspondence and listening in on the conversations of the American public

Police Attack Tristan Solidarity Demonstrators, San Francisco, 3/16/09

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Afghanistan and Iraq: War Crimes Against Children ascribed to former President Bush

From jailing children together with adults in prisons where they were raped to failing to notify their parents of their arrest, the U.S. committed numerous war crimes against children in Afghanistan and Iraq, a new book on President Bush states.


Some people I've talked to actually support Israel in what it does, quoting a 5,000 year old Jewish book that says, "He who curseth Israel shall be cursed" - so anything Israel does is OK, killing children, pregnant women, innocent men, keeping people from medical care unto death, using banned weapons, the list goes on. These things are OK with these so-called Christians. No accountability, no "love thy enemy", etc. 

US Military Deaths in Iraq War at 4, 260

We're there becaust Iraq was involved in 9-11... no wait, no they weren't.

We're there becaust Iraq had weapons of mass.... no wait, no they didn't

We're there to bring Democracy... no wait, isn't that kind of colonialism?

well, at least we got Sadaam - who hadn't done anything to us - he had even observed the U.N. Resolution regarding Iraq.

So somehow these 4,260 deaths are worth it. Dead because of a lie - how can you not be angry? Meanwhile, there are uncounted Iraqi deaths. They are "defending our freedoms" when in actuality, what they are doing is criminal. I'm sorry if I offend, but what our military is doing is criminal. It is a robbery and waste of our productive work. It is a robbery and waste of our young people. I cannot support what our troops do. They do it of their own free will. They chose the military as a way of life. If their families suffer for it, I feel badly, much as I feel badly for children whose parents abuse them. But it was their choice. Women who marry military have only themselves to blame. Women who bear children by these men, and men who make children with these women are as much to blame as anyone - they are not victims. 

Meanwhile, Israel has ignored U.N. Resolution after U.N. Resolution, and we continue to defend and support this criminal government.


San Francisco police provided security for pro-Israel supporters in front of City Hall.

Ony a week ago, those same San Francisco Police Officers now protecting pro-Israel demonstrators attacked pro-Palesrinian protesters with billy clubs!

Do you need any more proof that Israel controls the United States government? (or at least the government of San Fransisco!)

Which means the US Government is of no use whatsoever to We The People. 


On Friday, New Yorkers took to the streets yet again to show solidarity with Tristan Anderson, the young American that was wounded in the Occupied West Bank on the 13th of March.

'1000% rise in Jew attacks on Palestinians'

While many Jews are Zionists not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists.