"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" - Isaac Asimov. Dedicated to Peace and Freedom, and in opposition to those who oppose these ideals
Friday, March 27, 2009
Imagine an Occupied America
Britain responds to the "rule of law" nuisance
Obama passing new law to allow searching of PC's, Laptops, and media devices
"Israel must see that there are consequences to its actions"

Please tell me, where is Israel headed?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
1 dead, one injured in Miami Burger King shooting
A customer, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled a gun, said Officer Jeff Giordano, a Miami police spokesman.
The customer and robber exchanged fire.
The robber was shot dead at the scene.
The above link is 404 - not found. Interesting that a story about an intelligent citizen with a gun taking down a criminal with a gun is suddenly unavailable. Maybe they don't want you to believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution is a good thing. That people can actually protect themselves. That the police can't actually prevent crime, they can only document it and maybe investigate it, but they're primarily concerned with their own safety, not yours.
Here in Spokane, a police officer was recently aquitted of shooting an unarmed citizen while drunk and off duty because he thought the victim was trying to steal his truck. Even tho he'd followed the victim in said truck prior to shooting him. So, here in Spokane, any police officer, on or off duty, can fire upon any unarmed citizen of Spokane for any reason with impunity. Do you still believe you live in a free country?
Harvard economist: Prohibition creates violence, legalize all drugs
GIVE Mandatory Service Act Strips First Amendment of “Volunteers”
Soldiers shoot youth and kidnap 17 Palestinians in the West Bank
Israel accused of indiscriminate phosphorus use in Gaza
• Israel was aware of the dangers of white phosphorus.
• It chose not to use alternative and less dangerous smoke shells.
• In one case, Israel even ignored repeated warnings from UN staff before hitting the main UN compound in Gaza with white phosphorus shells on 15 January.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/25/israel-white-phosphorus-gazaCharge: Israel's Phosphorus Bomb Use Violated "Rules of War"
Incriminating Evidence Of Israeli War Crimes
Throughout its history, Israel has willfully and repeatedly committed crimes of war and against humanity, always with impunity. Yet under customary legal standards and norms (including Geneva, Hague, the UN Charter, S.C. and G.A. resolutions), it's lawless, a serial abuser, a threat to the region and humanity, mostly as an oppressive occupier. Attacking Gaza is the latest episode in its six-decade reign of terror satisfying the definition of genocide against defenseless Palestinian civilians. This article covers more evidence from some disturbing but unsurprising newly published information.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
We Have Seen the Enemy...
How did a nation that took so much pride in lively debate and different opinions become a nation that questions the loyalty of people who have dared to disagree with the policymakers in Washington? When did political dissent become a reason to end up grounded at an airport because you found out at a most inconvenient time that your name had been mysteriously added to a “no-fly list”? When did the American government begin building FEMA camps and what exactly is their purpose? When did Congress become the rubber stamp for policies of reading the correspondence and listening in on the conversations of the American public
Afghanistan and Iraq: War Crimes Against Children ascribed to former President Bush
US Military Deaths in Iraq War at 4, 260
San Francisco police provided security for pro-Israel supporters in front of City Hall.
Ony a week ago, those same San Francisco Police Officers now protecting pro-Israel demonstrators attacked pro-Palesrinian protesters with billy clubs!
Do you need any more proof that Israel controls the United States government? (or at least the government of San Fransisco!)
Which means the US Government is of no use whatsoever to We The People.