Saturday, July 11, 2009


Miliband’s spokesman: “The Foreign Secretary said in the House of Commons on 30 June that it was ‘vital that all states respect international law, including the law of the sea. It is also important to say that we deplore the interference by the Israeli navy in the activities of Gazan fishermen’.”

Such fine words. Where is the action to back them up? Gaza’s fishermen suffer increasingly unjust restrictions and are still fired on.

Is Iran to be the flash point for WWIII?

Israel keeps its dubious crown

Who are the terrorists, now?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Zionists blood Zone: Gaza - The Hidden Truth Series #10

The Early Show this morning

I was watching the early show, (the wife had it on when I got out of bed, hey! I'm on vacation!) and I saw some of Michael Jacksons funeral procession after which there was a story about President Obama visiting Vladimir Putin in Russia. Peter Jennings was interviewing Obama and I asked the TV, (yes, I do things like that...) "Why are you silent about 'The Spirit of Humanity'?" and Gaza? Knowing Jennings wouldn't ask, but I didn't know how pointed it would be! After asking a few questions about his meeting with Putin, Jennings asked Obama, "How do you feel about the outpouring of emotion regarding Michael Jackson's death?" I nearly choked! I thought that he would only address questions regarding the Russian visit and, while understandably avoiding a rough segue into a relative non sequitor, I really felt they should find some time to address some of the Israel/Gaza issues, especially the current (what should be) crisis regarding 'Spirit' and Cynthia McKinney. But he performed an even rougher seque into an even greater non sequitor by asking the 'Leader of the Free World' about some dead pop star! Incredible! If the Iranians had done something similar to the Israeli action, we'd be gearing up for war right now! But again, Israel gets a pass on some pretty dispicable actions. Silence from Washington and complicity by the media. I shouldn't be amazed... but yet I am.

Who is you government working for?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Earth's 'Fever' Breaks!

Global temperatures have plunged .74°F since Gore released 'An Inconvenient Truth'

The latest global averaged satellite temperature data for June 2009 reveals yet another drop in the Earth's temperature. This latest drop in global temperatures means despite his dire warnings, the Earth has cooled .74°F since former Vice President Al Gore released "An Inconvenient Truth" in 2006.

But rest assured, you will still be required to give up the product of your labor to solve this nonexistent problem. and allow government officials without warrant and in the guise of independent contractors into your homes and businessess to judge your energy usage, and report whatever else you may be doing. Goodbye 4th amendment. Since you can be imprisoned for those 'crimes' discovered for an indeterminate amount of time and without charges being brought, goodbye 5th and 6th amendment . Since things like waterboarding are legal, goodbye 8th amendment. Goodbye 'Rule of Law', goodbye Constituion, goodby republic. Good luck, everyone else.

As we spent the weekend in a patriotic orgasm celebrating our 'freedoms' and pontificating on the crown prince of perverseness and pop, people in Gaza continue to suffer under an inhumane occupation of racists. Denied humanitarian assistance via naval blockade, Gaza is essentially an immmense open air prison with little food, water or other neccessities.
Hope you all had a great 4th eating, drinking and watching NASCAR and fireworks.

McKinney Back in U.S. from Israeli Jail

Former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was scheduled to return from Tel Aviv on a flight that landed in New York at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday.
McKinney was detained because she refused to sign a document acknowledging trying to deliver humanitarian supplies to Gaza

Coverage of US Propaganda Against Iran’s complete coverage of the Iranian elections regarding U.s. involvement/propaganda – June 2009






P.S. Thanks for nothing ABCNNBBCBS!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Update on UK Detainees in Israel

Because it is a Sunday and we have only just heard this news, we are trying to spread the word as well as we can - so we'd be really really grateful if you could forward this email to your contacts. Some relatives and supporters will be there to meet them - but we ask anyone in the London area who is able to go to the airport to meet them to do so.

Campaigner tells of Israel arrest - in Gazan Waters

This story places The Spirit of Humanity in Gazan waters rather than in international waters as stated in a previous article I posted here. Nonetheless, the boat was absolutely not in Israeli territory subject to Israeli law.

In 1962 the United States blockaded Cuba, itself an act of war, but they had the good sense to at least call it a "quarrantine". Israel has made no such claim. They threatened a small, unarmed vessel with violence. They jammed communication and navigational equipment. They took American citizens and jailed them for no percievable crime. This should be considered an act of war on the United States... We are already in the neighborhood, just pull out of Iraq and start shocking and awing Tel Aviv! Of course there should first be diplomatic attempts to settle differences and maybe we could avoid dropping the bombs. But there will be no diplomacy here, no dropping of bombs, at least not on Israel. From Washington, only silence. Silence implies consent. Who is your government working for?

preservation of our liberty

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson


A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
Thomas Jefferson

Execution of a Man - Click here for the most popular videos

The French knew how to deal with a corrupt government... do we have the guts to do the same?