Saturday, May 9, 2009

Under Restructuring, GM To Build More Cars Overseas

The U.S. government is pouring billions into General Motors in hopes of reviving the domestic economy, but when the automaker completes its restructuring plan, many of the company's new jobs will be filled by workers overseas.

Your tax dollars used to take your job away... wonderful.

The truth behind Ron Paul

What could have been...

Friday, May 8, 2009

9/11: Controlled Demolition Comparison

Compares the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings (North and South Towers and Building 7) with controlled demolitions. 

The chart they don't want you to see

The purchasing power of the dollar over the past 76 years has declined by 94%. And based on current monetary and fiscal policy, we have at least another 94% to go. The only question is whether this will be achieved in 76 months this time.

Author Charl Van Wyk, who shot back at terrorists attacking a church meeting, will be touring the U.S. with tales of his African ministry, including his first-hand experience with Christian churches that aren't prepared to defend themselves.

Ron Paul Questions Richard Holbrooke - 5/5/2009

Clinton 'quite impressed' by new war

Hillary looks Soooooo happy about her new war!
Have another drink, Hil...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The family has been told they have no rights to see their child and, under the USA PATRIOT ACT, the child has no rights to even defend himself. They claim the Constitution does not apply to this 16 year old, natural born, American citizen.

Don't it make ya' proud to be a 'murkan...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Get Off Your Knees

"...most people are still so indoctrinated into the notion that obedience to authority is a moral imperative, that even most of those who claim to be freedom-fighters frequently end their “demands” with “as long as it’s not illegal.” In other words, they will do all manner of noble fighting for justice, as long as they have the tyrants’ permission to do so. "

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Expert says 'just another flu virus,' so why the fear?

What's fueling all the fear? The government that wants to keep you afraid and easily controlled, that's what. Comunists, terrorists, swine flu, nuclear war, all these things and more have been used to keep the American sheeple in fear and under the control of the masters. 

The things you don’t read about Barack Obama

At times, this article seems to be supportive of GW Bush over Barack Obama. While I think much of what Obama is doing is as bad if not worse for our economy as what 'W' did, and while I see the same strings being pulled as were pulling 'W', none of this excuses 'W'... it only includes Obama. During the election I was afraid that Obama would be no better for our freedoms, or for the rest of the world than Bush had been, but once Ron Paul dropped out of the race, the only hope we had for 'change' was Obama. I was convinced that the same powers that controlled the Bush administration would be controlling the Obama administration. It seems my beliefs have been borne out... unfortunately. I'd so hoped I'd be wrong.