Saturday, May 23, 2009

"...Absolutely torture"

There may be a problem with the above video at YouTube... which I find less than surprising, but you can see the video at the following address

The Right To Keep And Bear Arms

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- Thomas Jefferson


Apparently the same thing that controversial about opposing the killing, torture and maiming of children... if they are Palestinian. 

Friday, May 22, 2009


Fear is always used to control. When the schoolyard bully wants your lunch money, he doesn't politely ask you to turn it over, he threatens violence if you don't, (sound familiar? ).

Governments know that people will not voluntarily hand over their rights. Rather than take the frontal, schoolyard bully approach, they create a seperate danger. Terrorists, communists, criminals, drugs, you name it and they'll use it to frighten you into surrendering your rights. 
Power exists, it's only a matter of who holds it. If one party wants is but doesn't have it, they must take it from another party. The government of the United States was formed with very limited power. But the people having the power made it too diffuse to be of use to those who wanted to be in charge, so the best way to get the power was to control the government and concentrate the power there, taking it from the people. This is what's been happening for the last 50 years. 

Israel destroying Gaza's farmlands

"It took only three minutes for the fire to destroy 65,000 square meters," said Nahed Jaber Abu Said, whose farmland lies a few kilometers down the road from Safadi. He added that "It was nearly 9am. I was here when the Israeli jeeps came. An Israeli soldier at the fence shot an explosive into our field of wheat. It went up in flames immediately." 

Pornographic videos flood YouTube

History repeats.

Years ago, before browsers when the internet was still mostly usenet, there was a sudden flood of really gross and poor quality porn (just because it is an adult movie is no excuse for crappy film making) poured into wholly inappropriate newsgroups on usenet. There are specific areas of usenet for adult material but these pictures were being posted in placing like cooking groups, and the political groups.

The regular usenet readers asked the posters to confine their adult materials to the appropriate groups, and the porn posters came back with this lame claim that the first amendment gave them the right to post their porn in every single usenet news group.

I began to smell a huge rate here, and already having learned what the US government was like I started digging and sure enough the flood of porn was coming through various US Government and military sites. And sure enough, one month after the flood of porn showed up on usenet, Senator Exon introduced his amendment to the telecommunications act calling for government control and censorship of the internet, and making any obscenity on the internet a felony. Senator Exon took to the floor and showed his "Blue" book, a blue binder filled with the very images that had flooded usenet for the preceding weeks. And no sooner had the bill passed than the flood of porn ended as if a switch had been thrown.

So, if someone is flooding YouTube with porn, then it is an attempt to revive a call for government control of internet content. So, you need to ask, Que Bono. Who wants the internet brought under censorship- Mike Rivero, What Really Happened

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Not only do these things look similar to model rockets, the man appearing to arm them is disguised. Who is he? Is he Palestinian? Is he an Israeli soldier or Mossad agent? We've really no idea. 

Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES

Q: What is the religion of Israel?
A: Catholic, probably (?!)
And the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war - The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again

But then we were fooled... again. New boss, same as the old boss. The only real change was the man no one voted for because he wouldn't win... and he didn't win because he didn't get enough votes. Does no one but me follow this?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Buyer's Remorse: Is it too late to swap Obama for McCain?

There are probably a lot of former-Obama supporters feeling that same agonizing sense despair now that President Rainbow has done an about-face on every campaign promise he made. So much for "truth in advertising", eh?

Fortunately, I was not a rabid Obama supporter. I just saw him as a chance to get away from the years of Bushevite rule. I held tho, a belief that Democrats, Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives were all just two sides of the same political coin. Run from a central locus and were just tools to control the sheeple. I'd just hoped I was wrong, unfortunately, I was all too right. But McCain is not the answer... Ron Paul may have been - if he'd survived the nomination and election, which he probably wouldn't have.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Birobidjan: The Original Jewish Homeland

European Jewry, to promote their powerful imposture of a "Promised Land", demanded their right to pirate Palestine as a Jewish "homeland". This was the sly euphemism Zionist founding father Max Nordau used instead of State "to deceive by its mildness".

I'd never heard of this... small wonder.

Guatemala in uproar after lawyer predicts own murder

"If you are hearing this message," Rosenberg begins, "unfortunately, it is because I have been murdered by the president's private secretary, Gustavo Alejos, and his partner, Gregorio Valdez, with the approval of Álvaro Colom and Sandra de Colom [Guatemala's president and first lady]."

This sort of thing would never happen in the US of A.... oh, what..... shit.

Sending Teenagers to die for Uncle Sam

4295 US Soldiers dead
30,182 US Soldiers wounded
320,000 Vets Have Brain Injuries
18.8 suicides per 100,000 US Soldiers