"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" - Isaac Asimov. Dedicated to Peace and Freedom, and in opposition to those who oppose these ideals
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Illegal undercover spying on U.S. Citizens by Fort Lewis Military Employees
§ 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
Tamiflu causes sickness and nightmares in children
Plans for “vaccine” bracelets to be forced on people at road blocks
no reason to fear
Why there is no reason to fear this “swine flu” virus or any “virus” * Colloidal silver and how to make it at home easily * Bionaid and ZeoHeal use NASA technology * Fight stress as well as mass vaccinations
July 31, 2009 by birdflu666As the scare-mongering over the “swine flu” continues, it is important to remember that colloidal silver has been proven to kill every virus as Dr Rebecca Carley, expert on vaccines, has noted. (www.drcarley.com)
Under a recent EU directive, colloidal silver manufacturers were obliged to dilute their silver by 90 per cent, making it much less effective; in the USA, this powerful tool to kill every virus has also been marginalised.
Nevertheless, a colloidal silver generator is easy to make yourself. You just need some distilled water, a couple of silver rodes attached to batteries and a dark glass bottle.
Drew Malone gives the low-down on making your own generator:
“Gang, I’ve researched this and this and REGARDLESS of what you
are told, and promised THIS IS the cats meow… YOU can make this
and it’s not hard, ANYONE with any mechanical background can and
should have a Collodial Silver generator in their possision asap ….
check these direct links out…
EVERYTHING can be purchase at 80% of the malls around
the USA…. radio shack has the 33 OHM resisters, aligator clips etc.
any jewelery store has 9999 silver rods
voltage use is 3 or 4 9volt batteries (I have used 4 and 3 both work)
the only difference is the time form 13min – 20 min
extra hints , email me your question if need be…
Semper Fi,
Drew Malone; Raines III
Master Electronics Engineer
USMC 1967-1977
Owner: H.E.A.R.T. & Associates
3423 Avery Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72209
SKYPE: drewmalone.rainesiii
In the view of experts like Dr Carley, there is no better investment you can make of your time or money right now than in building or buying a colloidal silver generator. If you generate extra colloidal silver, you can also help your neighbours and your community.
If you are really desperate, just put a silver coin or rod into some water and leave it there for a while.
Two things are important to remember about colloidal silver generators; firstly, a possible overdose of large silver particles and argyria, which is not toxic but which can you turn blue or grey if you drink large enough quantities; and secondly, the particle size may not be effective enough to penetrate all areas of the body.
However, a colloidal silver generator along with vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immune system will be a big help to anyone.
Another helpful product is Bionaid and ZeoHeal.
Bionaid’s primary particle is below .004 microns in size, thus not tecnically classified as a colloid, so referring to Bionaid as a colloidal silver is not accurate.
Being that Bionaid is under 3ppm, no dilution is necessary, and even when it is diluted in water it is still quite lethal on pathogens. 4 oz per gallon of pure water is one of the suggested uses, mainly to encourge hydration at the same time and flush the body. The water base in Bionaid penetrates the cells as well, faster than any water tested.
What is important about Bionaid is not so much the silver in it, with other monatomic trace minerals, but the trioxide covalently bonded to all the monatomic minerals, including silver. Oxygen is the key, and the superior ability to enter through the aquaporin channel of the cells. The natural immunization with the oxygen is the key to its effetiveness. Bionaid uses NASA technology in Bionaid and has $1million dollar reward regarding superior safety and efficact (that has never been claimed by vaccine and drug proponents).
The particle is permanently suspended and the product is nonperishable and non-photosensitive.
ZeoHeal attacks pathogens also, chelates and clathrates the die-off and many other foreign metals and chemicals.
The fact that the US government has not investing in stockpiling these products as a way of combatting a so-called “pandemic” virus makes them guilty of gross negligence.
The existence of colloidal silver and bionaid make a forced vaccination with a vaccines full of disease and squalene at gunpoint in a quarantine center superfluous, even supposing the virus were dangerous, which it isn’t.
David MacLucas has given his assessment of squalene, its impact and how to counter act it if you should ever find yourself being injected with the stuff under duress.
“I researched the Squalene extensively today… wow! What a catch 22 immune system quagmire that is. Squalene is both good and bad, but its how and how much that causes the variances of immune problems. When injected it bypasses the liver and overloads the immune system. Since the Squalene gets stored in fat and is what your body already uses theres no real way to eliminate it naturally.
Basically it will really effect overwieght people, stressed people, and / or anyone with liver problems since Squalene is a super enzyme that eventually gets converted into Cholesterol by your liver.
Anything that lowers cholesterol, stress, balances the immune system and improves liver function will help… but still not a silver bullet to remove the Squalene.
Best recommendations for anyone that HAPPENS to get the Vaccine, here is the beginning of a protocol… meaning not complete, nor approved
Firstly, Bionaid is a must must must. Anyone who understands the principles of Oxygen therapy and the effects of Collodial silver on viruses will have their jaw drop open when they learn how Bionaid is made. Bionaid is a 1, 2 punch of godly proportions on killing a virus that gave me butterflys when I learned how they made it.
Secondly, I have done years of research on Zeolite and have included it in my Cancer Elimination Kit. Zeolite is uncontestable and irrefutable at removing heavy metals… the molecular structe could not be more perfect at this task.
Thirdly, things like excercise increase your livers ability to process cholesterol and mediate enzymes. Eliminate the bad cholesterol from your diet now.
Fourth, if you do get the vaccination… relax, relax, relax for 2 weeks non-stop and reduce your bodys immune system response while the Squalene gets removed from your body naturally. I only found advance research done using a rat liver to accelerate the removal of Squalene – not a realistic choice.”
It is important to recognise just how damaging stress is.
Indeed, some have even said the international crime syndicate has collapsed the US and European economy also to induce massive amounts of stress in people, so making them more susceptible to illness.
Fight back today by taking charge of your mental household and throwing out the old furniture of thoughts that create anxiety, worry, stress or fear and bringing in thoughts that bring power, energy, inspiration, confidence and hope.
The biggest single thing you can do to stop stress in the long term is to help pave the way to the return of the rule of law. Then those responsible for these mass vaccinations with toxins can be made accountable for their actions once and for all.