"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" - Isaac Asimov. Dedicated to Peace and Freedom, and in opposition to those who oppose these ideals
Saturday, August 15, 2009
How Apathy Will Destroy America
Israel Begins Sell-Off of Refugees’ Land

Friday, August 14, 2009
Mom in minivan tasered twice in Salina traffic stop
Drunken Deputy Wrecks Neighborhood, Gets Paid Vacation
What Happens In Palestine...
I posted a less disturbing picture to my Facebook page, but this one haunts me because this, even absent the head, is obviously a prepubescent child. It is grisly. It is abhorrent. It is real. Look at it, and look at the other pictures on the referred to page. Does your stomach turn? Don't stop... keep scrolling down the page. Do you feel ill, are you repulsed? If you cannot even stand to see the plight of these people and what your money does to them,how can you stand paying for it?
Request information from your government, surrender you property! Still think you're in charge? Still think you live in a free country? If you use your computer to communicate, the government feels it's their 'responsibility' to monitor that communication, no doubt in the name of 'terrorism'. Really, it's just any excuse to infiltrate and control the population of the united states. You are not a free citizen, you are a subject... and you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Russian subs move toward Canadian East Coast
Citizen questions healthcare, gets threatened in the middle of the night!
When citizens disagree with those in power, they are called "Un-american". When people get angry over being ignored, they are called "Troublemakers". Taking the peoples power away from them, making people slaves - if this is the new 'America', then I am proud to call myself 'Un-american'. If getting angry enough to speak out against those who would take the product of my labor to 'Spread the Wealth', and force programs on the people that they themselves would not use is "making trouble", then would be proud to call myself a "Troublemaker". I see citizens of other countries rioting when there is a disputed election. I see citizens of this country rioting when their football team wins (or loses). I wish we had the bollocks that other people in other parts of the world have. I wish there were more people like Mike Sola - I wish we were all like Mike Sola. Thank you Mr. Sola, for standing up and saying NO
Thursday, August 13, 2009
US Soldier Demands Apology From Senator Claire McCaskill at Town Hall
We should all be this well versed with the Constitution. Remember, you do not need to be a lawyer to understand it. It was written to be understood by the common citizen. It is necessary to understand the context in which it was written, and this is done by understanding history.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
No-warrant terrorism raids proposed
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Iran Rejects September Deadline on Nuclear Talks
Sunday, August 9, 2009
New boss, same as the old boss
Another campaign promise shattered like a hand-blown christmas ornament dashed against concrete. The only 'Change' I've seen so far in the Obama administration is for the worse. Of course it's not like I hadn't said that one party is very much like the other. Or, as my cousin puts it: "when the Democrats are in power, man abuses man, when the Republicans are in power, it's just the opposite".