Monday, August 3, 2009

Pregnant mother tasered at baptism party

Responding to a noise complaint in Prince William County, police sought to quell the assembled crowd — who they said were making too much of a racket — by firing a Taser at the child’s grandfather and at the pregnant mother of the baptized child.

My grandfather used to say "no matter how thin you make a pancake, it still has 2 sides...", I don't know the officers side, and I wasn't there to judge the occurence from a dispassionate perspective, but in most juristictions there is a graduated scale of response for police officers ranging from 1 to 5, 1 being verbal commands and 5 being deadly force. The taser generally falls in category 3 or 4, 4 of course being just short of deadly force. Without the taser, I can only assume that deadly force would have been used... was that really called for at a famlly party where children were present? I find it hard to believe, but again, I don't have all the facts. It does seem to me tho, that the police are just another gang on the street to be avoided whenever possible.

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